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One of the NBU’s favorite tools, a REM Pod (Radiating Electro-Magnetic Pod) detects changes in the electromagnetic field.
Used in ESTES sessions, it’s important the investigator listening to the spirit box is experiencing total sensory depravation.
Used independently or with the ESTES method, a spirit box rapidly scans radio frequencies to detect EVPs.
Great for rituals and seances, we use candles in a multitude of ways. Plus, they add to the spooky atmosphere.
Tesla coils can be used as an energy source for entities to tap into. But be careful and take safety precautions to avoid injury or damage to other equipment.
Nails are versatile tools used in spell work. They can be used as a form of protection or as the final touch on your spell.
Salt is great for purification and protection when working with unknown entities. It’s also good on french fries.